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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Heart Full of Thanks...

So I'm sitting here teetering between hyperventilating and crying like a baby.

Either way, it's not pretty.

I self-published my first novel back in 2011.  Jordan's Return.  I received sixteen rejections from agents and publishers on this story but I was bound and determined to see it in print.  I had no idea how to format a book for print or for e-publishing but I researched and had the help of some amazing people - some of whom I have never met face to face!  It is because of them that I was able to sit at my desk and hit that "publish" button.

When I did it, I thought that I was so brave and was so excited at all the possibilities.  But never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be where I am right now - getting ready to get in my car to see a novel of mine out in the world.  On bookstore shelves.  The excitement that I feel right now is almost overwhelming.

Wonderfully so.

I walked a different path than a lot of indie authors and I kind of accidentally found my way.  I know a lot of great authors who study charts and sales patterns, figured out all kinds of algorithms while doing tons of blog tours and that was completely overwhelming to me.  I really just wanted to write stories that readers would enjoy and maybe I would have gone further if I had paid more attention to the algorithms, but I have been blessed with some amazing fans who responded to my stories and helped spread the word about them.  If I could, I would seriously hug each and every one of you - and send you some swag!

I had no idea when I wrote the first Montgomery book that fans were going to fall so hard for this family.  And to be honest with you, neither did I.  I mean, I love all my heroes but the Montgomery men?  They just make me sigh.  Do I have a favorite?  It's kind of a tie right now between Lucas and Mac (books one and three) but the trio that you're about to be introduced to?  They're giving them a serious run for their money!

As today starts an entirely new journey as an author for me, I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you.  For the love.  The support.  The reviews.  But the greatest thing that I want to say thank you for?  Is the friendships I have made.  So many of you take the time to message me and I answer each and every one of those messages myself.  I love hearing your stories, your thoughts and what you hope to read about in the future.

I hope that you love "Return to You" as much as I do and I look forward to meeting so many of you at upcoming events and online and wherever else it is that we can.  You've all made this dream possible and there aren't enough words or thank you's to possibly convey what that means.

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