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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Chas-ing a Dream - RT Book Reviews

Okay, I know I mentioned it yesterday, but I'm still giddy about it today.  I am the cover story for RT Book Reviews Magazine for the month of March!!!  How exciting is that??? 

And thankfully they didn't use an unflattering head shot of me for the article.  Whew!  Dodged that bullet!  Subscribing to RT Book Reviews is super easy and next week it will be shipping out to book stores (select ones that carry it - so check with your local book stores and B&N!).  Click here to go directly to RT's page to subscribe. 

So here's the thing - this was something that was so completely not on my radar.  I always thought about what it would be like to be an author but I never thought of some of these cool things that go with it.  I mean...a magazine cover!  Wow!  So cool!  And with that I get to meet some really amazing readers and fans and bloggers and it's all just been such an amazing experience that I don't even know how to describe it!  All I can say is thank you so all of the readers who have made this possible!

For those of you who go to the big conventions and are planning to be at the RT Convention in Dallas, Texas in May, I will be there!  I would love to meet you!!!

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