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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Autographs Please!!

When I first started writing and self-publishing, I primarily only did ebooks.  Why?  Because formatting print books made me crazy and was way too time consuming, plus...the cost that I had to charge for paperbacks seemed ridiculously high.  Oh, and on top of that, no one was buying paperbacks.  Go figure. 

At my first big book signing, I didn't have any actual books to sign!  LOL!  It didn't occur to me until I had committed to it and then I thought, "Uh-oh...what do I do?"  What I ended up doing was printing out 5x7 postcards with my book covers on them and signing them!  While it was a cute idea, it wasn't ideal.  What I didn't know about, was a fun site called Authorgraph.  Through Authorgraph, I can sign your ebooks and not just your ereader covers!

How cool is that????

So now I am officially on Authorgraph.  It only took me two years to actually do it.  I'm apparently not the sharpest tack in the box.  But all of my books are up there - finally!!  So if you click on the widget on the sidebar here on the blog - or you can click through right HERE, you can request a signature to your favorite Samantha Chase book! 

Today was the first day I made it public and I already signed a half-dozen books.  That makes me smile!  So if you're looking for an autograph, look no further!  I'm here!!!

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